Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Jesus has just ascended to heaven and as the disciples are gathered in the Upper Room for the Passover, the Holy Spirit descends upon them. Many witnesses are confused with the disciples speaking in others tongues yet every nationality that is in Jerusalem can understand what they are saying in their own native language. Peter decides to explain to them what is happening. He starts with a history lesson about prophesy of the last days. Then he talks about how David foretold the death and resurrection of Christ. He tells them that Jesus had to go so that the Holy Spirit could come. Many are touched by God and ask what they need to do to be saved. Peter lets them know that they need to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus but then he also warns them to save themselves from the corrupt generation. People, that is us today!! We are in a corrupt generation and we NEED to save ourselves from it. How do we do this? Well, just read the Scripture.
The passage goes on to say that the new believers began to meet daily to learn from the apostles. They meet and broke bread and prayed. They shared what they had with others so that no one was in need. They were HAPPY and enjoyed the favor of the people. God continued to add believers and the apostles did many miracles.
How I would love to be able to meet with my Christian friends daily to break bread and pray. This is what the early Christians did in order to save themselves from the corrupt generation. I hate that life is so BUSY! My desire for godly relationships stems from this idea of living in favor of people and saving myself from this world that tries to pull me in.
God, show me the way to these relationships. Help me to not be too busy to make time for fellowship and breaking bread and praying with fellow Christians. This is so important for the church today.
So in light of the upcoming revival, my prayer is that we don't just count the souls that are coming to God, but remember the relationship that MUST follow the salvation and repentance or else it really is almost for nothing. I pray that the church is ready for the discipleship and that God would prepare the hearts of those going out and those coming in for the life of discipleship and a life of living for Jesus!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Land's End Giveaway!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Blog Book Sale
Welcome to my booksale
Thanks to Kristin at http://dancinginthemarginsblog.com/, I am a happy participant. I am a little early since it doesn't start until Thursday, but please preview what I have anyways!
Hello all! My blog is being difficult and will not allow me to post pictures so I created a movie (my first, I am so proud) to display the books I have for sale. Below you will find a list of the titles with descriptions and prices. All of the books are in excellent condition and have only been owned and read by me. Please email me (hattcomo@yahoo.com) if you wish to make a purchase and I will send you my PayPal information. The shipping cost per book will be $0.50.
1. True Light by Terri Blackstock (hardback) & Dawn's Light by Terri Blackstock (paperback)
Desc: This is book 3 & 4 in The Restoration Series. A crisis sweeps the entire planet back to the age before electricity. The Restoration Series follows the Branning Family and how they cope, will they hoard what they have or trust God to provide as their share?
Price: $10 for both books
2. Christmas Gifts from the Heart by Dolley Carlson (hardback)
Desc: SOLD
3. Tails of Love by vaious authors (paperback)
Desc: This book contains 4 stories where pets play matchmaker in modern love stories
Price: $3
4. When I am praising God by Anita Corrine Donihue (hardback)
Desc: Devotional thoughts on worship for women
Price: $3
5. Love Afloat by various artist (paperback)
Desc: Drifting hearts find safe harbor in 4 romantic novellas
Price: $3
6. Diary of God by Ron Rose (hardback)
Desc: SOLD
Price: SOLD
7. Prints Charming by Rebecca Seitz (paperback) & Sister's Ink by Rebecca Seitz (paperback) & Coming Unglued by Rebecca Seitz (paperback)
Desc: Prints Charming is the first novel by Rebecca Seitz that follow four women as they figure out life around a scrapbooking table. Sister's Ink and Coming Unglued are the first 2 books in the "Sister's Ink" series. They follow the lives of four sisters (not biological) and their journeys around their mother's scrapbook table. Book 3 is not currently out.
Price: all 3 for $15, each for $5
8. True Devotion by Dee Henderson (hardcover)
Desc: The man who killed her husband is back and the price of her new found love my be her life
Price: $4
9. Prayer Partners: Experience the Power of Agreement by Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock & The Crossings Circle of Prayer: A Journal for Your Journey (both hardback)
Desc: SOLD
Price: SOLD
10. Winner Take All by T. Davis Bunn (hardback)
Desc: A story of international intrigue involving a missing child and an embattled father who will stop at nothing to get her back.
Price: $4
11. Devotions for Debtors by Kristen Johnson Ingram (paperback)
Desc: SOLD
12. Thunder of Heaven by Ted Dekker (paperback)
Desc: This book is a Martyr's Song story spun from the events that happened at the end of WWII when a band of embittered soldiers played a cruel game with a peaceful village.
Price: $4
13. Montana by various artists (hardback)
Desc: a legacy of faith and love as the comforts of daily routine are threatened the characters will need to dig deep for a sustaining faith. Four novels in one book.
Price: $4
14. Does Your Man Have the Blues: Understanding Male Depression and How It Affects Your Relationship by Dr. David Hawkins (hardback-new)
Desc: see title above
Price: $3
15. Jimmy by Robert Whitlow (hardback-new)
Desc: A boy who is "special" is asked to testify as a defense witness during a criminal trial.
Price: $5
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
In my life, relationships are so important and I try to hold onto them as best as I can. They are hard and take a lot of work but are so worth it. I found it comforting to see my Lord, in all that He was trying to accomplish during the short time He was on this earth, had taken the time to make some true relationships. I only hope that in my crazy, everyday life, that I can have the same results. I want the relationships that last a lifetime. The ones where I can be my true self and share my joys and saddnesses with.
Thank you Jesus for being a real example to me and opening my eyes to another view of who You are! I love you!!