I attended church last night, this is not a usual for me on Wednesday nights. You see, I was there to attend a meeting for an outreach I am volunteering for. Unfortunately I missed the meeting but decided to stay so #3 could attend the kids program (it was his first time and he was very excited). I know that in Christ, there are no coincidences!
I walked into the sanctuary late but at just the right time for me. The pastor was talking about how people always want to quit when things get hard. This is SO me. Christians are so easy to quit their marriage, their church, their job when the going gets tough. BUT God blesses faithfulness and will give us the strength to STAY (or stand Eph. 6:13) if we lean on Him.
This message came at a perfect time in my life. Luckly, I am in a good place in my marriage right now so that is not the area I needed encouragement in but I struggle with discontentment and it usually affects the job I am in. There have been lots of changes at my job and it makes me unhappy at times and I tend to try to look for something different. But last night, I realized that if I stay (or stand) that I will receive the blessing that God has for me. I have NO doubt that God has placed me in this job (read this post: http://myhandingods.blogspot.com/2009/07/my-new-adventure.html) so I need to trust that He is in control and that he will get me through my bad days!
God has already begun to bless me in the relationships I am gaining at my job! This is something I could never do on my own, it is all from Him and I am so excited! I thank you God for the women you are placing in my life and what our future holds!
I hope this message touches you the way it touched me. I have already had the opportunity to bless someone with this message and hope that if your reading this post, that you are blessed too!
Hey! So you guys left the Crossing too? Where are you at these days?