
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mind-Binding Spirits

In Chapter 6 (Battlefield of the Mind), Joyce Myers talks about mind-binding spirits and how this has affected her in the past. It affected her by making her doubt what God wanted her to do with her life and ministry. Essentially, it equates to DOUBT. Yes, I must admit, I have this problem. I guess I've just never named it. Now that I have a name, I will have a battle plan!

There are times in my life when I even doubt my belief in Christianity. It is crazy, I know! I know Jesus is real, He is in me! I know what He has done in my life and that I couldn't live without Him; however when I am faced with trials or have discussions with those who know theology more than me and I feel inadequately equipped, doubt creeps in. It is part of a sinful world, no doubt (pun not intended)!

So here is my battle plan: I will memorize John 8:31-32 which tells me that if I follow Christ, I am His disciple and that His truth will set me free. If I speak His Word (the truth), then I will be set free from the doubting thoughts and mind-binding spirits! I will memorize Romans 8:26 so that when I do not know what to pray (specifically), I can rely on the fact that the Holy Spirit will intercede for me. What an awesome promise! When I am weak, He is strong!

Thank you God for the truth in Your Word! Thank you that it is my weapon in this battle with my mind. Thank you that you are transforming me and I can already feel the battle taking place. Thank you that the battle is already won and You are the victor! I give You ALL the glory!!

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