Ok, I heard about this while reading New Years Resolutions on "The Happy Housewife" blog and proceeded to read all the blogs that were linked. I thought this was a pretty cool idea but it really seems daunting when you think about it. When I sat down to actually list my "101 things" it really wasn't that bad. Now, I'm not sure they will all get accomplished, but I loved the idea so here is my list (in NO random order):
1. Family Game Night once per month
2. Purchase less pre-packaged foods
3. Rely on my Creator for more things instead of trying to handle them myself
4. Spend more time with my boys doing things THEY like to do
5. Grow our own herbs
6. Preserve our own veggies and fruits
7. Make things from scratch
8. Cook more healthy, nuturious meals
9. Have the boys assist in the kitchen and (future) garden
10. Operate on cash only basis
11. Pay off debt
12. Keep my home "company" ready
13. Spend time in daily personal/quiet/prayer time
14. Exercise 3 times per week
15. Make and write in journals for each of the boys
16. Spend more time in the Word
17. Communicate better with DH by not clamming up when I feel challenged
18. Spend more time outdoors, no matter the weather
19. Spend more time reading aloud to the boys
20. Focus on being consistant, compassionate and in-control
21. Have a date night at least once per month with DH
22. Have one on one time with one son per month - 3 month process
23. Eat out only once per month
24. Work with boys on giving, spending & saving money
25. Set a chore chart with the boys and follow it
26. Teach #1 and #2 to clean the bathrooms
27. Tithe consistently, not just when we have the money
28. Save enough money to live on for 3 months
29. Turn to God with every blessing and issue in my life. Learn to place my burdens on HIS shouldners. Pray without ceasing
30. Let my boys know they are a priority in my life
31. Let DH know he is a priority in my life
32. Do a TV Fast
33. Open savings accounts for the boys
34. Pray for DH daily
35. Buy groceries on a cash basis only weekly
36. Get an amazing camera
37. By a DVD player for mini-van
38. Read through the Bible as a couple
39. Bake homemade bread more often
40. Eat more fruits and veggies
41. Drink more water
42. Each month, do something for someone to show my love for them
43. Increase my time in prayer and pray more specifically
44. Laugh more
45. Be a blessing to others when I see a need and have the resource to fill it
46. Learn to can food
47. Start a simple garden
48. Save a $1000 emergency fund
49. Find more ways to earn money
50. Keep the house cleaner and more organized for DH
51. Tweak our budget to pay ourselves first
52. Meal plan EVERY week
53. Learn how to cook "freezer" meals
54. Celebrate another year of marriage with DH
55. Be a better wife
56. Be a better homemaker
57. Pray about my goals and ask God for help
58. Read 12 books per year(one per month)
59. Have coffee and prayer with DH once per week before boys wake up
60. Plan 4 weekend outings with the family per year
61. Have a family picture taken
62. Make an apron
63. Have a family from church over once per month
64. Learn to live within our means
65. Keep up with a savings account
66. Go through old clothes and use fabric to make new things
67. Complain less
68. Love more
69. Count my blessings
70. Pray for my boys everyday
71. Memorize a Bible verse every month
72. Camp in the backyard with the boys
73. Make and deliver homemade Christmas gifts to all my neighbors
74. Have a couple's game night 4 times per year
75. Go on a short-term missions trip
76. Keep up with garden for an entire growing season
77. Spend time scrapbooking with friends
78. Take a trip to California to visit family
79. Stop comparing myself to others
80. Be more patient with my boys
81. Be more grateful for what I have
82. Write in my journal daily
83. Give more
84. Praise more
85. Watch less TV
86. Take dancing lessons with DH
87. Explore home state stay-cations for weekend getaways
88. Show DH how much I appreciate him
89. Work on sewing projects once per month
90. Challenge my boys to read more
91. Determine a decent amount of time for the boys to spend on electronice
92. Take a walk - when the weather is nice - at least once per week
93. Send out Christmas cards by December 1st
94. Keep a well stocked pantry
95. Spend quaily time with DH daily
96. Be more intentional in training the boys and teaching them the things they need to know
97. Use my crockpot at least once per week
98. Buy furniture for the patio
99. Spend more time with my sister
100. Take a weekend trip with DH once per year
101. Buy a bed for #1
Thanks to all those bloggers whom I borrowed ideas from. I will TRY to stay on top of this list and accomplish as much as I can.